What To Do After A Bike Crash
- Ride Leader should take charge and assign tasks
- Dial 911. Administer first aid
- Set up a safety barrier if the injured cannot be moved
- Move injured to safety, if necessary
- Take pictures of the injured, the bike(s) before they are moved, the vehicle, driver’s license and license plate
- Obtain contact information of all witnesses
- Get the business card of the officer on the scene
- Take notes on your phone
- Report accident to Club President and VP
Bicycle First Aid
- Call 911 and provide safety for the injured rider.
- 911 calls can be canceled and riders can refuse transport
- ADRENALINE can mask or hide the effects of an injury after a crash.
- The injured is not always the best judge of whether medical attention is needed
- CUTS/ABRASIONS are treated with clean water rinse, then bandage
- MAJOR BLEEDING is treated with firm, direct pressure over the wound.
- Use a shirt, sleeve or bandana. Head injuries may bleed heavily and may require sutures
- BROKEN BONES appear red, swollen and deformed